Duck Dynasty’s Willie Robertson Shares Big Success with Hunting Buddies Jason Aldean and Luke Bryan

The Duck Dynasty crew's new holiday album, Duck the Halls: A Robertson Family Christmas, currently holds the top spot on Billboard's Country Albums chart, but Willie Robertson is no stranger to country music. He became hunting buddies with Luke Bryan and Jason Aldean through a mutual friend a few years ago, before they all became household names.

Willie explains, "I met Luke and Jason actually through Adam LaRoche, who came up playing for the Atlanta Braves and so, the Georgia guys, and they had met, and Adam had really connected and stayed with these guys."

When they first met, Jason and Luke were pretty new to the country scene.

"We used to bring them to deer camp," Willie says. "Really, honestly, the only value they brought to us at the time was just to sing and entertain us. So, they would sit around, and we had a lot of fun."

As Luke and Jason's careers took off, Willie included them in his Buck Commander venture, a sister organization to his family's Duck Commander company. Of course, the Robertson family is now a phenomenon thanks to Duck Dynasty. Experiencing all of this success with his country star buddies makes it even sweeter for Willie.

He says, "I don't think any of us would've thought we would all be where we are at this point."

Luke even lent his voice to Duck the Halls, which debuted at #1 on Billboard's Country Albums chart. Willie wasn't exactly surprised the Christmas album was a big success since everything the Robertsons touch turns to gold these days. He is really proud of how the album turned out, though.

"It's good," Willie says of the album. "It wasn't like we're selling a Chia Pet, you know, which is kind of a novelty. We're like, 'This is actually good, and I think people will enjoy it for Christmas.'"

Of course, if you want a Willie Robertson Chia Pet, complete with a beard and hair made of sprouts, that item is available as well this holiday season.


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