Cassadee Pope Hard at Work on New Album She Hopes to Have Out This Fall

After her recent No. 1 duet with Chris Young, “Think of You,” Cassadee Pope is hoping to parlay her current momentum into a full-length album she is in the studio working on. Producing the album is Corey Crowder, who also happens to be one of the co-writers on “Think of You.”

“I’m currently working on a full-length [album],” says Cassadee to Nash Country Daily. “Now it’s just a matter of sifting through and picking my favorites and really honing in on those. I’d love to get it out by the fall. That’s my goal. And I definitely have the songs, it’s just a matter of getting in there with Corey and figuring everything out.”

In June, Cassadee dropped a four-song EP, Summer, and released the title track as a single.

“I’m very proud of the EP,” she says. “It’s four songs and it kind of gives fans a taste of what’s to come.”

Check out “Summer,” which has more than 2.7 million views on YouTube, and stay tuned for more info on Cassadee’s upcoming album.


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