Craig Morgan Remembers His Son, Jerry, on One-Year Anniversary of His Death With Heartfelt Message and Photos

Craig Morgan Remembers His Son, Jerry, on One-Year Anniversary of His Death With Heartfelt Message and Photos

Craig Morgan is remembering his son, Jerry Greer, on the one-year anniversary of his death today (July 10) with a heartfelt message and a series of photos on Facebook.

Jerry, 19, died on July 10, 2016, after a boating accident on Kentucky Lake in Tennessee.

In the initial Facebook post, Craig states: “My daughter said it best, July 10th . . . It’s someone’s birthday, someone’s anniversary, someone’s celebration for a new job, someone found out they were having a baby, but for me and my family, it’s the day we lost Jerry Michael. It’s hard to put into words how sad I am, yet at the same time, I want to celebrate and praise my Heavenly Father for His perfect plan for our lives. Jerry lost his life on the lake, so today, I’ll be in the water, wishing he was with me but knowing he’s with my Savior! To God be all the glory.”

Jerry is survived by his parents, Craig Morgan and Karen Greer, sister Aly Beaird and brothers Kyle Greer and Wyatt Greer. Our continued thoughts and prayers go out to Craig, Karen and their family.

main photo via Monarch Publicity


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