Funeral & Visitation for Mel Tillis to Take Place Today (Nov. 27)

Funeral & Visitation for Mel Tillis to Take Place Today (Nov. 27)

Funeral arrangements and visitation for Mel Tillis, who passed away on Nov. 19 at the age of 85, have been announced.

Visitation for Mel will be held on Nov. 27 from 11a.m. to 2 p.m. at Sykes Funeral Home (424 Franklin St.) in Clarksville, Tenn. A public funeral service will begin at 3 p.m. at Mount Hermon Baptist Church (2204 Jarrell Ridge Rd.), with a private burial to follow. Out of respect for the family, attendees are asked to refrain from photographing, filming or live streaming the service.

A preceding service took place at the Ocklawaha Bridge Baptist Church in Silver Springs, Fla., on Nov. 25.

Additionally, the Tillis family is planning a January public memorial service that will be open to fans and the music industry. The event will be held in Nashville with details to be announced in the coming weeks.

Mel, who recorded No. 1 hits “Good Woman Blues,” “Heart Healer” and “Coca Cola Cowboy,” was one of country music’s most versatile artists. He won the CMA Entertainer of the Year award in 1976 and was elected to the Country Music Hall of Fame in 2007.

photo courtesy Mel Tillis Enterprises


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