Kane Brown’s Message of Unity

Kane Brown’s Message of Unity

In recognition of Blackout Tuesday on June 2, Nash Country Daily is pausing the commentary to bring you messages of unity directly from the country music community.

All photos will appear without color.

Kane Brown via Twitter

“Attention: First of all I’m mixed. I’m black to the white guy, and I’m white to the black guy until a racial thing comes into play and then I’m supposed to play the black side. I honestly think it’s ignorant as hell to kill a human being in cold blood without them doing anything especially hand cuffed. I think it’s stupid a man can’t jog without being gunned down. If everyone was seen as people, if everyone was charged the same sentence. This sh** wouldn’t be happening. #BlackLivesMatter We are people too. Like I said before we all need to become one race (Americans). Stop dividing or it will never be solved! I love everyone even if you spit on me I will find it in my heart to let it go! Let’s come together and work this sh** out.”

photo by JPA, AFF-USA.com


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