Are you ready for the return of KHAY FEST on Saturday April 12th?! 100.7 KHAY is bringing country superstars Justin Moore & LOCASH to the Camarillo Airport and we want you to be there! Want to win your way into the show? Well here’s your chance! Join 100.7 K-HAY on the “Countdown to KHAY FEST”! The KHAY Street team is raffling off tickets Wednesdays at 12pm at different locations around the 805! Look out for the BIG Blue KHAY truck, that’s us! WHERE: *Wed 2.26: Target Center in Camarillo off Las Posas *THURSDAY (moved due to rain) 3.6: Pacific View Mall in Ventura off Main Wed 3.12: 408 Bryant Circle, Suite G – Ojai off Ojai Ave. Wed 3.19: George Thompson Diamond Co. in Camarillo off Las Posas Wed 3.26: No Ticket Stop Wed 4.2: Minute Man Press in Ventura off Main St. Wed 4.9: Gold Coast Toyota DCH Oxnard off Rose Ave. WE’LL BE RAFFLING OFF TICKETS TO KHAY FEST WEDNESDAYS AT 12PM AND REMEMBER, YOU MUST BE PRESENT TO WIN! We’ll see you out there for the “Countdown to KHAY FEST” Wednesdays at 12pm! |
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